Here's some quick steps to have your website to be monitored by our monitoring solutions. The flow of setup include adding contacts, setting up contact groups and adding the monitoring checks.

Creating Your Contacts.

Our monitoring solutions provide support for unlimited notifications of emails, voices, SMS, Twitter messaging, PushOver & PagerDuty (required paid subscriptions).

1. Login to your client area dashboard at
2. Upon you have login, click on the "Services" big icon on your Home dashboard. Look for your monitoring subscription Packages (Free Trial, Flexi or Bundled) and click on it.
3. Once you are in, you will see "Checks", "Contacts" and "Contact Groups".
4. Click on Contacts > Add Contacts. Choose from the type of contacts you would like to setup and follow on the screen instructions.

Creating Your Contact Groups

Contact groups allow you to go group different kind of contacts or separate by type of contacts (SMS, Emails, Twitter..etc).

1. Login to your client area dashboard at
2. Upon you have login, click on the "Services" big icon on your Home dashboard. Look for your monitoring subscription Packages (Free Trial, Flexi or Bundled) and click on it.
3. Once you are in, you will see "Checks", "Contacts" and "Contact Groups".
4. Click on Contacts Groups > Add New Groups. Provide a group name for the contacts and choose from the contacts you have created as above into the groups.

Creating Your Monitoring Checks.

1. Login to your client area dashboard at
2. Upon you have login, click on the "Services" big icon on your Home dashboard. Look for your monitoring subscription Packages (Free Trial, Flexi or Bundled) and click on it.
3. Once you are in, you will see "Checks", "Contacts" and "Contact Groups".
4. Click on Checks > Add New Checks.
5. Choose the type of sensors you would like to setup and fill in the rest of the details. You will be able choose the notifications contact at the bottom of the page.
6. For details on how each monitoring check works, read more from our monitoring check sensors KB.
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